Wednesday 13 August 2014



(c) owner

       Adorable? check. Attractive? check. Funny? double check.

       Caspar Richard Lee a.k.a DiCasp is a British-born South African youtuber who makes hilarious yet, super adorable videos. Or as he put it, a teenager who sometimes talk to a camera.

       While watching his videos, I realized how much Caspar loves his mom There's this video where he decided to prank his mom that  he got a girl pregnant and his mother said she's gonna back him up and support him all the way. 

        No yelling, no "I'm-so-disappointed-at-you" speech, just pure motherly support. He's a total momma's boy. 

        Caspar loves to prank people and is a bit of a troublemaker, but that's the reason why people like watching his videos

        He's hilarious and adorable. So, there's no reason you cannot like him. 


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