Saturday 2 August 2014


        Bonjour, belle! I'm a greenie (a.k.a newbie) to blogging. I love to waste my time reading life-ruining books and watching unfathomable tv series. (Yes, I'm a dork.) The name's Raven and I believe that one day, fictional characters will come to life and sweep me off my feet. Unfortunately, it still hadn't happen. (sfx: cries)

            You might be curious about what this blog is about. Well, Mrs. Luck might be on your side today because this post is all about it. 

          Fangirls, as defined by the Urban Dictionary, is a rabid breed of female who is obsessed with either a fictional character or an actor (+boy bands). Yes, this blog is all about FANGIRLING and its unique beauty. So, you must prepare yourself for future rants and random nonsense from yours truly. 


             It's a Support Group! I like to think that this blog is a support group for mentally unstable females (+males). Where I could share what I'm feeling about this beautiful book I've read or the latest episode I've watched and someone can actually relate to me. (or maybe, I'm just a sadist who wants its readers to drown in feels) 


          So, to all fangirls (+fanboys) out there! Let's cry, squeal, rant, stalk and ogle together because we have to share what we feel. 

             I'm Not A "Psychopath". I'm A High-Functioning Fangirl. Don't Say "Keep Calm" I'm A Fangirl, I Don't Do Calm.

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